As this blog is also hopefully being read by other caregivers, I would be remiss if I didn't mention again how helpful exercise has been for me in coping with all of this. It's well-documented that exercise helps with stress, and I found a bunch of articles specifically talking about caregiving - this one sums it up nicely.
I don't know how much bliss I can attribute to yoga versus running, because I began both simultaneously, and I do each about two-three times each week. They complement each other nicely. Running helps get out some of the brutish, excitable, trembly kind of stress, while yoga does help me slow down the helpless, rapid-fire thoughts. Physically, both are great for better muscle tone; while the running is aerobic and helps heart rate, the kind of faster-pasted yoga I'm doing - vinyasa - is also demanding physically.
For each, there's a sense of achievement, and clear progress, and I feel much, much less tired each day now than I did six months ago. (I also gave up meat, and that may have something to do with overall wellbeing. I do feel lighter, particularly in the gut area, get sick less, and have clearer skin.) I look at these activities as my sanity pill, almost literally, and I'm selfish about getting that hour each day to invest in this. Meanwhile, a bunch of sample packs of antidepressants are gathering dust, awaiting the time I'm really desperate -- or, who knows, if I keep this up, I may make it through using just my legs and yogic mind.
Meanwhile, I am running my first 5K Sunday, so wish me luck.
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