Monday, January 18, 2010

Lunch with Oprah

Had a dream last night in which my mom and I were having lunch with Oprah and her friend -- what's her name, Gayle? -- and I was telling Oprah, "You really need to do a segment on early-onset dementia. There are millions of sufferers! It's being called "the baby-boomer disease!"

I'm thinking that this dream was a very real reflection of my desires to a) call attention to the disease and the devastation it brings and b) therefore get folks to rise up against all the man-made risks of getting dementia or Parkinsonian movement disorders. Not that we know much about them yet -- eating meat? polluted water? pesticides? -- but there certainly should be more attention devoted to research. A little ribbon at least.

1 comment:

  1. I send Oprah emails, letters and even Fedex packages to draw attention to my request to do a segment about FTD. I have been doing this since 2001 and will keep at it until it happens.
